BIY On-Demand Courses

Take your school’s social and emotional learning to the next level with Believe In You. Our courses offer flexible, evidence-based instruction to improve teacher effectiveness and drive student success. Check back soon for new Believe In You On-Demand certification courses.

Breathe  |  Teaching Calm Connection

Completing Believe In You’s Breathe professional learning course is a rewarding professional development experience that you can fulfill on-demand at your convenience.

Purchase the Purposeful Breathing Course for $25 today!

This experience will help you understand and teach the benefits and techniques of purposeful breathing to your students. This self-paced experience offers 5 purposeful breathing techniques for emotional regulation and focus. It is designed to help you easily implement the 7-lesson curriculum and journal with your classes.

This 1-hour professional development experience includes:

  • video presentations
  • pdf summary guides
  • technique videos to use with students

A certificate of completion endorsed by Sterling College is available for download when you finish the course.

Thrive  |  Five Pillars of Proactive Mental Health

Completing Believe In You’s Breathe professional learning course is a rewarding professional development experience that you can fulfill on-demand at your convenience.

Purchase the Thrive Course for $25 today!

This experience will help you and your students Thrive by unpacking the 5 pillars of proactive mental health: Social Connection, Emotional Literacy, Mindful Breathing, Physical Activity and Affirmative Journaling. This self-paced experience will help you understand these concepts and easily implement the 7-lesson curriculum and journal with your classes.

This 1-hour professional development experience includes:

  • video presentations
  • pdf summary guides
  • explainer videos to use with students

A certificate of completion endorsed by Sterling College is available for download when you finish the course.