By playing and participating in sports, girls develop a stronger physical and mental resilience for life. The SURGE program equips coaches and athletes with the tools, support and resources needed to Power Girls Forward and fortify them through life’s current and future adversities and challenges – whether they’re competing on the field, in the classroom, at work or with themselves.

SURGE Resources

Build Powerful Confidence with the SURGE Athlete Empowerment Program – featuring Believe In You proactive mental health resources.

Discover exclusive leadership resources powered by Women Leaders in Sports & SURGE. Tune in to podcasts lead by Patti Phillips, CEO of Women Leaders in Sports, and explore leadership tips, panel discussions, and a keynote speech presented by influential women in the sports world

Gain access to live webinars for coaches and female athletes that address a range of topics to help build self-esteem, instill confidence and prioritize mental health.

SURGE On-Demand Learning

The SURGE On-Demand Professional Development is coming soon! Check back here soon to view all of the professional learning sessions.